Monday, April 10, 2006

Intellectual Amusement Parks? Where do I sign up for the rides?

This is the coolest line I have read in quite a while, and it was written by Mr. Brian Matthews for an article in Library Journal on Generation X. The iine is:

"Let's create intellectual amusement parks."

The context is a discussion of rethinking library spaces and what they do. Here is the paragraph:

"Let's create intellectual amusement parks. I am much more interested in what a person can do in a library than what we can put in one. This is the cultural shift for which we will be responsible. Let's expand the public's vision of libraries to create something meaningful for the modern patron. We must break down the image and practice of libraries as mausoleums of information. Libraries today should be vibrant and, yes, even noisy in some areas.

We've become a collaborative society and need to find better ways to accommodate groups and productivity. Let's look to form partnerships with external organizations, expand services to include things like tutoring, tech help, tax assistance, and translation services, as well as performance stages, pod/videocasting stations, and art studios. The potential is boundless."

Food for thought. I am still not sure about ALA and being active, which Mr. Matthews addresses in his article. Let's just say I am one of those with some questions who is not finding any answers (and don't even get me started on ALA and the job market myth). Actually, I think I will just sit that one out, but this is a cool idea. I want to ride. Better yet, I want to bring others along for the ride.


A. Rivera said...

Brian: Glad you did as well, and thanks for stopping by. I just found the idea intriguing as well as amusing. Thanks for the food for thought. Best, and keep on blogging.

Gene said...

This made me think of libraries with large social groups educating each other. Would love a public debate center. Free education, imagine that. :)