Friday, May 12, 2006

Booknote: Ultimate X-Men, Vol.3: World Tour

Title: Ultimate X-Men, Vol. 3: World Tour
Author: Mark Millar and Chuck Austen
Publication Information: New York: Marvel Comics, 2002
ISBN: 0785109617
192 pages
Genre: Fiction
Subgenre: Graphic novels and comics, science fiction, adventure

I have gone on to borrow the other volumes in this series from my local public library branch, and so far, I have enjoyed every one. This one is no exception. This volume is a compilation of Ultimate X-Men issues 13-18. In this volume, Professor Xavier has written a book about his peaceful philosophy for coexistence between humans and mutants, and he goes on a world tour to promote it. He takes his students along. However, things don't go as plan as elements from his own past come back to haunt him. One of his students abandons the school over a disagreement, and it seems the professor may decide to disband the school after all when he questions if his principles are truly worthy. The art is excellent, and the story is, as I often say, engaging. I could not put this volume down, and I am looking forward to the rest. Overall, the stories combine a good plot, elements of humor, and very interesting parallels to certain contemporary events (this is yet another reason I find this series so appealing, but I think most readers will enjoy the stories). As a bonus, this volume also includes a short series about the character of Gambit, a street hustler mutant who finds himself using his powers to save a young girl from danger.

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