Monday, April 14, 2008

Heading to TLA (Texas Library Association) Conference 2008

Texas Library Association
Annual Conference
Dallas, Texas
April 15-18, 2008

As if I was not busy enough, TLA just creeped up on me. I will be in Dallas this year. I am leaving tomorrow morning, should be back by Friday. Yes, I know; I have not been blogging with any consistency lately, but work has literally been a madhouse these last two weeks or so, and it is not showing signs of letting up. To be honest, a part of me is not sure I should even go to TLA since there is so much to do here, but I know that if I don't take care of myself and my professional development, no one else will. Anyways, feel free to chat me up if we run across. I will be posting my session notes once I get back. This will be my third year attending now; first time while working for UT Tyler. How time flies. Since this is becoming sort of the one thing I do for my professional development, I am going to try to make it to a meeting or two and see if I get involved in something.

Best, and keep on blogging.

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