Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Back from TLA, brief note, more later

I came back from TLA last Friday afternoon. I learned a few things. Found a thing or two a bit disappointing. Had some good fun too. I will be posting my notes for sessions and so on along with an overall reflection on the experience later in the week. I just wanted to let folks now I am back. Wish I could blog things faster, but work is busy, and just because I took a couple of days off, it does not mean the drama stops. So stay tuned.


WE said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
A. Rivera said...

I got the comment above on my e-mail, but when I came here to reply, I noticed the author removed it. They appeared to know a thing or two about TLA, but since they chose to remove the comment, I won't go further then. Though it makes me wonder, was it something I said?