Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Maybe I should consider a subject blog

There may be various reasons for me to create a blog for my subject specialty. However, a good reason is that I have been coming across a good number of arts and humanities-related sites. Here is a sampling, courtesy of the Resource Shelf. If you are a librarian, and you do not read the Resource Shelf, go add it to your feed reader now. I will wait. . . . Now that you are back, here are some of the things I have been finding:
This is just a small sampling of stuff I have come across from just one of the sources I have on my aggregator. I come across a lot of neat stuff, but time to look them over is often a challenge. Well, if nothing else, I would have some items for content. But on looking at the list above, I also see some items that could serve as tools for collection development. In addition, I have been acquiring a pretty good selection of art books that deserve a little more promotion. A blog could serve that purpose as well.

1 comment:

A. Rivera said...

Hello there John. I have discovered that the blog (mine) has been working out a lot as place to put stuff in I want to remember later with some comments of my own. This may be then a good next step. Thanks for stopping by. Best, and keep on blogging.