Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Quick Immersion Post: Working on the final project

I am still immersed. I have learned a lot of things, and it has been an intensive experience that has changed my life and how I see myself as an educator. I will probably be writing up my notes of the experience over the next couple of weeks, and odds are readers will see other reflective posts going back to Immersion given all the new possibilities. However, just a brief note now to let readers know I am working on my final assignment at the moment. If you are a reader who wants something more timely, Jane at A Wandering Eyre has been blogging her experiences with photos. Go ahead and have a look since it may be a while before I can begin my reflections. It may be a while before I get to blog again at all. As always, best and keep on blogging (or just exploring).

By the way, currently listening to very loud techno and trance. As Ben Grimm would say, "it's clobberin' time."

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