Wednesday, January 11, 2006

The 50 Book Challenge? A little on book lists

I got the heads-up about the 50 Book Challenge via the Eclectic Librarian. Now that I am out of graduate school, I am slowly discovering that I can actually read for enjoyment. Sure, I read a lot of stuff related to my work and academic interests, but it is stuff I want to read, for pleasure, for fun, hey, for the many reasons readers read. A while back, way back, I came across the Listology website, which allows people to create lists of books and other media. Compared to other things out there, I think it is not the greatest, but at the time it worked for me. I started out a list of books read, and I somehow managed to keep track of my reading last year. Those interested in my list of 73 items can go here to see it (I included links to the ones I have blog entries to). Overall, looking at the list I see I read a pretty good selection, good variety. The list is pretty much just books. By the way, it is only the books I read; it does not include the ones I may have started and dropped (I am a firm believer in a reader's right not to finish a book). Might be interesting to make a list of articles, or not. That's what the blogs are for, just to keep track. Will I keep a list in this new year? Who knows? I may, but I am certainly not in it for the numbers. Though, hey, if we happen to read 74 next year, that would be a good thing.

At any rate, I am always interested in reading lists. I collect them, have a few files. Some for RA purposes, but others for personal use, mostly for just in case I need an idea on what to read next. I also like seeing what other people read. I think people's reading lists can be very revealing about a person. Maybe this is why some people worry over others finding out what they read. But leaving that aside, I think the lists people post in various forms show the paths and journeys readers have taken over time. It may be to alien worlds or to down to earth places; it could be meetings with famous people or the not so famous. So many journeys, so many possibilities. I always like seeing in blogs when people put up the lists of what they are reading or planning on reading. Some even put the music they are listening too or the videos they are watching. I am not as keen on sharing the movies or shows I watch. Compared to other writers, I don't see myself as a good commenter in that regard. However, it is still interesting to see the variety of books and media that bloggers inside and out of the biblioblogosphere read. Maybe it's an essay or study waiting to be produced, again who knows? In the meantime, I am looking forward to a new year of more readings and seeing what others discover as well.


Anonymous said...

Angel, thanks for this. I started to make a comment but it was getting long so I'm making a post right now on the topic.

A. Rivera said...

Mark: Most welcome, and thanks for stopping by. I will just have to go over and take a look. I've been in the "commenting, but getting too long" before, so I understand. Best, and keep on blogging.