Sunday, July 10, 2005

Some lessons from a job search

Meredith Farkas did at her blog one of the things that I have been meaning to do for a while, and that is to write a reflection on the job hunt experience. My overall experience was mixed, and it was gruesome at times. I think the fact that I had a very bad experience at one place has kept me from writing it up because I don't want to rant (as much as they may deserve it). I have mentioned bits and pieces, but I have not sat down to make a nice little post of the whole ordeal. Maybe someday. I will rush to say it was not the place where I now work. I remember going home after the interview from the place I now work at and telling my wife, "these are the nicest people I have met, and everything just fell into place. I am going to be very sad if I don't get this one." Thanks the powers that be, I am here touching lives a student at a time (ok, faculty too). But I did learn some useful things from the job hunting experience, some of which Ms. Farkas discusses very well in her piece. She has created a very nice list of tips that job hunters may want to keep in mind. A lot of it is common courtesy, which maybe things that employers may want to read too. So until I get around to my reflection, I urge readers to go over to Ms. Farkas blog. The post is well written, and the lessons are ones we can all learn from. I also hope that more people out there will write their experiences up as well. If for no other reason than to show others that things are not as rosy as ALA and library schools would have us believe. I wrote a bit about that here for those interested.

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