Monday, July 14, 2008

Article Note: On collaborative partnerships

Citation for the article:

Jackson, Lydia and Julia Hansen. "Creating Collaborative Partnerships: Building the Framework." Reference Services Review 34.4 (2006): 575-588.

Read via Emerald.

This is another article on collaboration. I once had to do a presentation for a job interview on faculty collaboration, and ever since I have had a bit of an interest in articles covering the broad topic of collaboration. In addition, I have an interest in collaboration possibilities between college and high school librarians, and this is where this article fits in. For now, I am just adding it to my notes in the hopes I can give this more thought later. Some highlights from the article then:

  • "Benefits of the collaboration include: enhanced information literacy skills of students, librarians and teachers in the middle and high schools; assimilation of information literacy skills into the school curriculum; enhanced visibility of the academic library in the community and a restatement of its role" (575) . The setting for the article's review is in Southern Illinois University, which is described as a Metropolitan University, close to St. Louis (576). In some ways, the place is very similar to UHD, where I used to work, which is also a Metro campus with about 10,000 students give or take. Of course, that setting is very different from the more rural one I have here in East Texas.
  • A common situation: "More often, the problem facing librarians is teaching students what to do with the volume of information their searches may produce" (577).
  • One of the things they did was host a workshop on campus for local school librarians.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info on this article. I am writing a presentation for the national NCEA conference next spring and it is on this topic. I have been knee deep in my research. I am a high school private school library media specialist. Dr. Loertscher will be presenting with me as well as my English Dept chair faculty member.

I also read your blog after the TLA conference in Dallas in April. I was there as well. I am one of those school librarians, but consider myself an instruction librarian, as I do the same thing as a similarly-educated librarian in a higher ed setting.

I think partnerships between high school and college librarians are very important to easing the transition of high school seniors to academic level research. It has been added to my library curriculum this year.

Thanks for an excellent blog. I always learn so much from other librarians. I am starting a blog for high school librarianship to describe my next year in preparing for two presentations and starting my doctorate.

High School Librarians