Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Added a book reader's widget

I have added the GoodReads widget to the sidebar of this blog (as well as over at The Itinerant Librarian). I got an invite to the site from one of my coworkers, and so far I have enjoyed its ease of use and adding in books I have read as well as those I plan to read. What may happen is that I may make less booknotes here. Basically, if it is a short "ya, I liked it" sort of note, I will just put it over there with the list. If I want to write some substantial response to the book, I will put it in here. Anyways, just part of the experiment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's been a while since I read a book and actually enjoyed it. People keep telling me to try it, but I guess I was just too lazy to try it. Can you recommend me about a certain book that you think I might enjoy?